Shirley Matchett and Debby Frederick wear homemade Christmas hats.
Sandy Osborne and Cathy Oliver
Kristy, Lyla, Jessie and Dave Ochsendorf
Emma Mogford won second place and Leah Bartlett won first in their age group.
Turner Means was the 5K Overall winner.
Ansley Jackson, Kirsten Jorgnsen, Elizabeth Natherson and Mary Jane Fortenberry from Girls on the Run.
Laura Flood with third place winner Morgan Windsor-Flood
Latrina Dudley came out to support Ayanna and Darrius.
Grant Collins was first in his age group while dad, Scott, came in third in his age group.
Patti Carpenter wears a festive hat.
Stephanie Caradonna celebrates coming in third in her age group with daughters, Caroline and Gabrielle Cannon.
Laura Buckland, Diane Martin with Nancy Flanagan make up part of the "Amigos".
Donny, Jennifer and Chase Barto
Scott Collins receives his trophy for third place in his age group.