TWIS = This Week Is Savory

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  • | 3:56 p.m. February 18, 2013
  • Arts + Entertainment
  • Eat + Drink
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Have you been to Caragiulos recently? If not, stop by to take a look. The old dining rooms that felt dark and in need of change certainly have. A more open feel and modern fixtures will greet you now.

As for the menu, favorites such as the lasagna and chopped salad are still there, but my new favorites are the boards with homemade spreads and toast points. Goat cheese with capponata, to be specific---a creamy, warm bit of comfort on a crostini. The presentation is whimsical, the small jar filled with goat cheese on the bottom and topped with eggplant relish that Italians, well---relish.

Only one thing could make it better: a nice glass of Italian wine to enjoy with my new favorite appetizer. Caragiulos can certainly accommodate you there.

Where are you finding your favorite savory bite this week?


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