Casa Italia: A tale of ethnicity, authenticity and passion for food

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  • | 11:40 a.m. January 10, 2013
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It has been said that "necessity is the mother of invention.” Such was the case for Giuseppe and Nanette Galloni. Originally from Sicily, the Gallonis came to Sarasota by way of Venezuela. When they arrived in the early 1980s, authentic Italian groceries, meats and cheeses were hard to find. Living in Sarasota yet yearning for the foods of Italy, the Gallonis decided to source their own Italian specialties. In December of 1984, Casa Italia was launched and Sarasota gained a new Italian specialty food market.

Over an 18-year period, Giuseppe and Nanette built a thriving gourmet food business. When they were finally ready to retire, the Gallonis began a search for new owners who might share their same passion for authentic, high-quality Italian delicacies and groceries. In February of 2002, the Gallonis met Raj and Nita Mathur and a new chapter for Casa Italia was set in motion.

Casa Italia’s 28th anniversary was celebrated this past December. I recently spent some time with Raj and Nita, learning more about them, the Casa Italia story and their plans for 2013 and beyond. Here is what I found:

JLQ: So how does an Indian couple living in London come to Sarasota and wind up owning an Italian specialty market?

Raj: Nita and I were raising our family in London, had traveled throughout Europe, and wanted to include the United States in our travels. In 2001 we visited the U.S. for the first time and immediately thought this was a place where we could live. In short order, we made the decision to move to the U.S.

If we owned a business in the States, the immigration issues would be less complicated and our dream of moving to America more easily fulfilled. We returned to Florida in February 2002, with the intention of finding a suitable business to purchase. We traveled throughout the state exploring various businesses and locations before the Casa Italia opportunity was presented.

JLQ: And then what happened?

Raj: Nita and I share a great passion for food. We traveled throughout Europe sampling and tasting various cuisines. We were/are particularly fond of Italian cuisine. So the thought of owning an Italian specialty market seemed natural. It felt right!

Since my professional training was in accounting, I was able to examine the numbers from the Casa Italia business and quickly determine the viability of our idea. We decided to purchase the business and put our plans in motion.

JLQ: That was a big step to take. Tell me about the challenges in making such a change.

Raj: First of all, we were determined to make this move to the U.S. This determination helped us overcome some of the challenges we naturally faced. It was going to be a six-month process to get all the paperwork in order. I submitted my six-months' notice, hired a lawyer to manage the immigration process and also to handle the purchase of the business. We then planned our move from London to Sarasota, but had to wait for all of the immigration and business-buying issues to be resolved before we could physically move.JLQ: In essence you bought a business and with it, a new life?

Raj: Yes indeed, we changed professions, country and lifestyle as a result of this singular move.

JLQ: The deal is complete. You move to Sarasota, and then what?

Raj: The purchase became official in September 2002. We worked very closely with the Gallonis for a three to five-month period to learn the business from the inside out. They were extremely helpful and remain so, in a different way, today.

JLQ: Did you have any hesitations once you were here?

Raj: No, not really. We were very enthusiastic about the business, the opportunity and the products. We gradually expanded the number of products we were offering. Additionally, we saw an opportunity to offer “grab-and-go” prepared foods. Chef Frank Silvestro introduced himself to us and offered some cooking demonstrations at the store. Since the food was well-received by our customers, we started to offer prepared Italian dishes weekly. With today’s busy lifestyle, the prepared food is a big hit for us and our customers.

JLQ: I couldn't help but notice the selection of Indian dishes in the prepared food section. How did this come about?

Nita: Initially we were very hesitant to offer any Indian foods. We did not want to change the character of Casa Italia and risk losing some loyal customers. However, customers regularly asked if we would consider offering an Indian cooking class. To offer such a class would be easy for us, so we decided to give the Indian cooking class a try. It was a big success. Today, the classes are a regular part of our business. We also have a small section in the back of the store where customers can buy Indian spices for their own food prep. And of course we offer “grab-and-go” prepared Indian dishes on Fridays.JLQ: Adding Indian products and prepared foods certainly projects an international feel.

Raj: Yes, that is true. Casa Italia’s Italian roots are deep but over time the products have become more international. For instance, we not only offer olive oils from Italy but also from Spain. The same is true with our cheese, meat, vinegar, and almost all products. In fact, just the other day I noticed we had a product from Iceland. I guess you can say we have become an international specialty market.

JLQ: Where is Casa Italia going in 2013?

Raj: Since our Italian and Indian cooking classes have been so well-received, we plan on doing more this year. We will continue to offer a wide range of unique, high-quality food products. We are in the process of expanding the frequency of our wine tastings as well, so customers can expect more tastings in 2013.

JLQ: Thank you Raj and Nita for your time. I enjoyed learning more about Casa Italia and your adventure to Sarasota.

Raj & Nita: Thank you, Jack. It was our pleasure.

Casa Italia

2080 Constitution Boulevard

Sarasota, FL 34231



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