Kristin Zarella and Jon Milkovich
Channing Wier sang the national anthem.
Chase Pendley, Nolan McAlary and Zach Nauman
Dustin Walter, Clifton Ramey and Nolan McAlary
Jillian Smith
Jugo Guerra and Jon Milkovich
Kathryn Franchek, Kelsey McVaugh, Jessica Gomez, Orinda Hobson and Delaney Harshman, of Lakewood Ranch High
Graduates Emily Lacina, Maddy Keslar and Emily Edwards, right, are pictured with friend, Shannon McCarthy, in white.
Lakewood’s Kathryn Franchek, Cynthia Joseph and Delaney Harshman are eager to start their college careers at the University of Florida.
Cynthia Joseph, Johana De la Cruz, Tyler McWilliam, Kathryn Franchek and Delaney Harshman are eager to start their college careers.
Natalie Novak, Jon Milkovich and Holly Minarich
Nick Isemann and Clifton Ramey
Nolan McAlary and Michelle Raynor