Ursula, portrayed by Olivia LaFemina, right, convinces Ariel, portrayed by Skylar Homan, to give up her voice for a chance to be a human.
Jordan Bollinger took a lead role as Sebastian, the crab.
Camp counselor Jake LaFemina portrays a sailor.
Maggie Sugalski, Ethan Hall, Sierra Yeomans portray baby sea creatures.
Alexander Peiser plays Grimsby.
Camp counselor Rachel Gross joins the chef in the kitchen for a musical number.
Ten-year-old Marielle Newmark plays a chef.
A gleeful Danny Shevlin, as a chef, sings about his love for crab and other seafood.
Melissa Silva plays Scuttle, the seagull.
Paige Alter, who plays the character of Flounder, dances.
A group of mermaids discuss how Ariel must be in love.
Jackson Helewege as Prince Eric and Alexander Peiser as Grimsby
Taylor Trent serves as the ship's masthead.
Mermaid Jessica Apatow dances.
Ariel, portrayed by Skylar Homan, 12, sings of her love for humans.
A group of baby sea creatures, ages 4 to 6, brightened the underwater scene.