Sarasota County Commission to consider drainage project

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  • | 4:00 a.m. March 14, 2013
Sarasota County plans to replace the retention pond on Beach Road as part of a drainage project slated for completion Dec. 31.
Sarasota County plans to replace the retention pond on Beach Road as part of a drainage project slated for completion Dec. 31.
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Sarasota County commissioners will discuss what to do with 10,000 cubic feet of soil from a new retention pond on Beach Road during a March 19 meeting.

County staff recommends leaving the dirt at the site of the drainage improvement project set for completion the end of 2013. The county can save $378,000 by stockpiling the fill, and using it for the Siesta Key public beach project.

If commissioners pick that alternative, the soil will be stacked in 4-foot piles behind a plant buffer and a fence.

Agenda highlights include:
• A $465,000 contract for the Red Bug Slough restoration
• A $654,000 contract for Celery Fields improvements
• Bus shelter and bicycle rack installation; cost of $130,000

What: Sarasota County Commission meeting
When: 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 19
Where: Administration Building, Commission Chambers, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota


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