An Election Day snapshot – Who some of your neighbors voted for and why

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  • | 4:47 p.m. March 18, 2013
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Rick Farmer: "My first vote was for Susan Chapman because she has a great understanding for the role of the neighborhoods in Sarasota. Further, she is an attorney who can appreciate and understand process decision-making and the rule of law. This is clear if you observe her in various roles such as the planning board. This is the kind of leadership that I want for Sarasota as we make decisions that define our future."

Mike Lasche: "I voted for Susan Chapman because she has a proven track record of dealing with difficult issues and taking a position on them. I appreciate a commissioner who is not afraid to take a position. Also, Susan has demonstrated that she takes a balanced approach to city issues, balancing the interests of neighborhoods, quality of life and economic development. Some of the other candidates, such as Dorfman, were too extreme in their support of development, with little regard for neighborhoods or other factors."

Candy Spaulding: "I voted for Susan Chapman and I wish I had known at the time that I could vote for one person instead of having to vote for two. I also voted for Kelvin Lumpkin. I have met him on several occasions and liked him. I had no idea he was supported by the people who want more commercial use downtown or in our neighborhoods.

"I am president of the Alta Vista Neighborhood Association. I'm sure you have heard about our appeal of Wal-Mart. It's not that I'm against development, just where they want to put it and why. Susan Chapman will make an excellent commissioner. She is sensitive to the neighborhood associations and their needs. I will be voting for her in the runoff election."

Anthony Paull: "I voted for Suzanne Atwell because she is a kind, well-spoken and polished ambassador to the city of Sarasota. She understands the problems facing the downtown core and has been vocal about finding a middle-ground to meet the needs of people seeking change to the sound ordinance, providing downtown entertainment for those seeking nightlife after 10 p.m. on weekends.

"I also applaud her effort to attend many local events and was delighted to hear she recently showed support for LGBT equality, joining the Harvey Milk Festival Host Committee.

"As a journalist, I've had several conversations with Suzanne and have been impressed with her business sense and understanding of the arts. She understands that lending an ear to both worlds is the best way to lead a city."

Joe Barbetta: "I endorsed Rich Dorfman in the initial campaign and that will continue through the runoff. It is clear to me that someone with business experience, an understanding of economics and tax structure, is needed to take this city forward. There is a financial crisis looming and a clear understanding of growing the tax base in a reasonable and sustainable manner, while representing ALL of the residents of the entire city, is imperative.

"As for the remaining two candidates, Suzanne Atwell, while I am not formally endorsing her, is clearly the better choice. While Suzanne and I don't always agree, she is thoughtful, caring, willing to research issues and assess alternatives, and clearly understands her role of representing the entire city of Sarasota, not a select few. The other candidate has exhibited divisiveness, and clearly would not be a proper representative of the people of the city of Sarasota."

Rich Swier, Jr.: "As someone who lives downtown---I was here 20 years ago, when the noise ordinance was created, and it literally put live music venues out of business. I witnessed at that point how powerful a small group of people could be in the city. I live in Sarasota because I believe we are a creative city that embraces art, music, culture and most importantly quality of life. I voted for Richard Dorfman because he believes we can have a balance where we protect the people who live downtown, and at the same time support local artists and live music. If we elect Susan Chapman, I fear that the noise ordinance will turn into a noise ban.

"As someone who owns a business downtown, it is critical for me to retain and recruit the young talent out of Ringling College and New College. The young professionals want to live downtown, play downtown and work downtown. I voted for Richard Dorfman because he believes in smart growth and only developing when there is a clear need and purpose. I don't want condos filling up our skyline, but we do have gaps to fill and we need to be smart about how we plan for the future of Sarasota. We need more density, and I think the best plan is to provide obtainable housing for young professionals who add to our tax base, create jobs and do not require 3,500 square feet per person to live downtown."

Francis Scheuer: "I live in the county and did not have a vote, but I ran Precinct  #111 in the city and turnout was LOW. Only 49 voters participated at #111 and they were mostly seniors."

Mellie Hendricks: "I’m not a registered voter, because dogs can’t vote, but I did help my 'Daddy' get some campaign sign photographs on Election Day!"

(Author's note: This survey was by no means extensive nor scientific, but simply a sampling of folks who reside in my email address book.) 


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