Captain Payton Harris supervises parents as they row out.
Sam Somogyi teaches his mom Melody how to row.
Mark Parisi gets out of the water with his daughter Marin.
Lauren Steirball teaches her stepsister Cristina Conable and her stepdad Sam Conable how to row.
Kristopher Schumann and his mom Wendy Menzel
Dante Zuniga sets off with parents on the water.
Dante Zuniga teaches his mom Veronica how to position her hands on the oars.
Lily Nelson teaches her aunt Barb Smith how to row.
Captain Payton Harris claps in congratulations after parents return from their fist trip out.
Sandy Schumacher and her daughter Sophia
Kimia Spikes with her parents Shawn and Walter
Summer Strickland and her mother Susan get ready to row out with Halle Ghose and her daughter Cecilia.
Tanya Schultz and her son Kyle
Veronica Zuniga and Dante