Johnna White: a woman with moxie

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  • | 8:18 p.m. November 4, 2013
  • Arts + Entertainment
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Johnna White recently moved to Sarasota from Michigan. Working many years in a corporate field, she had a dream, from which our community now benefits. White always planned to segue from a salary position into private ownership of a one-of-a-kind store, but her dream inspired her to jump more quickly.

What was her dream? To open a metaphysical boutique. Wow, what a change! Her plan was skyrocketed into motion as she and her husband enjoyed a dinner in downtown Sarasota.  She eyed a vacant and available storefront and decided the timing was right. She stepped into the dream even before moving out of the former job. For months, she traveled back and forth, nurturing the budding venture and continuing to work for her previous employer.

White is a true example of taking a leap of faith. So many uncertainties surrounded the new venture, and there was very little time to reflect upon them. Thrown into action, her inspiration carried her and brings us the fruits of her labor: Pixie Dust Metaphysical Boutique —ever growing in popularity.

She's now fully immersed in her new venture, and the balancing of these two is reflected in her store, which is something like stepping into an attic with all sorts of surprises. And White couldn’t be happier. Now, her energies are channeled into new creative offerings for all of us in Sarasota.

The storefront allows her to be rooted here on Main Street, and gives her the space to support our community in many other ways. More power to White and her inner vitality that shows us dreams truly can come true.

And she supports Girls Inc. as a sponsor of Vibrance! Natural Living Festival, inspiring young girls to tap that moxie as well.


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