Sue Benjamin with Barbara Stafford
Marie and Larry Bowman with Jonathan Swift
Marjorie Broughton and Tony Neubroch
Kathryn Carr, Jim Henry and Lee-En Chung
John Chapman with Allison Werner
Jeff and Virginia Charlotte
Michael and Sharon Crosby
Frederick and Terri Derr
Nick Dzembo and Ryan Owen
Joe Hembree with son Kyle
Fred Johnston with Jane Hyslop and Linda Johnston
Lynn Jones and Bruce Franklin
Mark Karsey, Darrell Turner and Steve Ayers
Nikki Kochis and Rosemary Eure
Cathy and Jim Kuhlman with Fred Starling
Don McDonough, Dianne Lagasse and Bill Milligan
Veronica Miller with Edie Bustle
Jan Miller, Jim Culter and Dena Smith
Shirley and Jim Ritchey with Susan Fetherman
Cholly, Anne and Sandy Rollings
Charles and Denise Sancranti
Marsha Setter and Valerie Parsons
Pete Skokos, Kevin Hagan and Kevin Hicks
Retta Wagner and Julie Dooley
Jerry Crawford and Lindy Smith