Ringling College vs. New College Flag Football

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  • | 8:06 p.m. November 15, 2013
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This spring, Ringing College of Arts and Design and New College of Florida juniors Michael Long and Hunter Thompson turned their five-year-long ironic flag-football rivalry into a full-fledged event, complete with an emcee, an audience of several hundred and presidential and captain wagers that put a shaved head on the line.

Now, as seniors, the two students are ready to go head to head one last time — and they’re pulling all the stops this time.  This game, dubbed the Turkey Bowl, will include an emcee, color commentator, live band, half-time show, beer truck and a batch of shaving-cream pies for the losing team.

As the two men prepare for the game, we sat down with them to give them each the opportunity to talk as much trash as they’d like:

Describe the opposing team using a song title.

Michael Long: “Set Fire to the Rain,” by Adele. Their team is really sad and vengeful. Plus, Hunter kind of looks like Adele.

Hunter Thompson: New College can best be described by the song “99 Problems.”

Describe your own team using an animal.

Hunter Thompson: Id say we’re like big grizzly bears. We obviously have a size advantage. Our defense is our strong suit, and we’re just overall bigger and meaner.

Michael Long: We’re like pink elephants. Who doesn’t like a pink elephant? It also represents us, because it’s doing things it’s not built to do. We’re not built to play football, but we’re still doing it.

Why is your team going to win?

Michael Long: Well, Hunter’s on the other team…

Hunter Thompson: We want it more. We got a taste of defeat last time; I got my head shaved in front of a crowd. We’re determined to win.

What’s you opposing team’s only chance at victory?

Michael Long: Ringling’s only chance of winning is if we don’t show up.

Hunter Thompson: Maybe if there’s some kind of Armageddon…

Any final words, guys?

Michael Long: In all seriousness, Hunter and I spend a lot of time together off the field, and we’re really good friends. But we’re still gonna whoop his ass on the 17th.

Hunter Thompson: See, Mike does this every year. Last time, he was able to back it up, but he’s got no idea what’s coming this Sunday. They’ve gotten too confident since their last win.


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