Dena Adams, Megan Babin, Madison Robinson and Demi Nott
Sierra Blood and Monique Joanides
Lauren Cohen and Anderson North
Rachel Downing and Mitchell Jones
Victoria Dunawey, Nadia Osmolanski, Emily Edwards and Selen Altas
Michael and Victoria Finley, Brian Krcelic and Riess Pellegrino
Bailey Gilbert, Rebecca Stern, Meredith Worthley and Christian Babin
Nick Gobio, Zane Funk and Joseph Kirschner
Almuta Hawks and Kallyah Carter
Jacob Howell, Jackson Stroud, Brandon Christensen and Brian Szkutnik
Baylee Johnson and Eddie Ledwith
Matthew Leavitt and Shannon Hunihan
Trei Mandia, Alissa Mercado, Riley Roskamp, Kelli Kennedy and Muna Muhammad
Austin Moriarty, Vada Hammons, Grace Gordon and Brandon Duffy
Gennah Neeley and Caleb Becht
Anderson North and Lauren Cohen
Demi Nott, Megan Babin, Taylor Brenos, Dena Adams and Madison Robinson
Joshua Palmieri and Cheyanne Mueche
Noah Robinette, Luke Lubaski and Connor Freeman
Mariah Robison, Rebecca Pelc, Megan Jones, Lucinda Raber and Philip Shore
Michael Ryan and Mike Collis
Kim and Michael Ryan
Samantha Serra, Andrew Cerchio and Kim Ryan
Jacob Standridge, Addy Wilson and Tristan Parsons
Sean Thull, Nayarid Gonzalez, Joey Falcetta, Mia Venafro, Alicia Muscato and Corbin Allen
Emily Touchton, Zach McKee and Greyson Nace
Justin Woods and Alyson Miller