Vivian Leahy laughs as she turns on the lights for one of the decorated trees.
Stella Kelley and Mary Ann Tata
Tree decorated by the Women’s Guild.
Phyllis Lewis and Joan Gagnon shop the holiday bargains at the Christmas Bazaar.
The Rev. Edward Pick, Dave Carter and Jim McGuire
Carole Salmon shows a hat she knitted to Mary McGrath.
Anna Marie Johnson, of Pennsylvania, enjoys the bazaar while visiting her sister in Longboat Key.
Sue Troup adds her tickets to the raffle.
Margaret Lachmann, Gloria Lionetti, Sandy Finnegan and Carol Scarbrough
Mango jam is a crowd favorite from the homemade treat table, worked by Donna Leuchter.
Marie Sangiorgio helps around tree area of the bazaar.
Poinsettias were also sold.
Jan Davin and Eileen Devine
Mary Elizabeth Carey sells unique fair trade goods.
Jim and Phyllis McGuire