MTI Students Zachary Wenzel, Travis Vanhouten, Elizabeth Steinke, Francisco Suarez, Kara Varnadore, Jake Gollin, Clint Michael and Juan Villaseca
Australian kangaroo tar tar
Kathy and Howard Saslow with Erin and Dave Kaler
Barbaa Burwell, Kim Madrigal and Elizabeth Donald
Walter McKae and Luke Singer
Melissa and Dr. Richard Furman
MTI students Courtney Brower, Marlene Romo, Zacharay Voight and instructor Darla Thixtun
Chef Boris Cuzon with high-school student Aarien Foster
Chef David Lacroix assists MTI student Dante Valenzuela roll spring rolls
Spring rolls
Chef André Touboul with MTI student Juan Villaseca
Cajun style shrimp
Steve and Christy Brown
Rob and Kate Arpke Houle with D’Arcy and Ray Arpke
Carol Fisher, Nancy Lawrence and Becki Creighton
Aarien Foster, Railene Marlow and Zach Hill are Southeast High School volunteers interested in the culinary arts
Andy Westberry and Coupe Marquise
Chef Eric Bedoucha and Andy Westberry