Down to the Cells

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  • | 6:22 p.m. October 24, 2013
  • Arts + Entertainment
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What if you could create healthiness from the cells outward? There's something that sounds too good to be true. Visiting the brilliant white Lumina Health building, I met the founders and fellow workers, who impressed upon me a value system being lived fully, and I was eager to learn more about them.

The woman meeting me moved here because of her passion for the company. Her name is Joy Wilde, and she embodied her name — thrilled, to not only join us in the oasis that is Sarasota, but also to be part of yet another pioneering initiative in our town.

Wilde spoke vibrantly of how a few drops in water were behind her own dramatic change of health years prior. What speaks better in life than personal change for the better? Wilde adds deep, intelligent understanding to her cheerleader-like disposition for the company for whom she works, Lumina Health Products. The genius of their product is that it breaks down the water into its building blocks, freeing up the negatively charged oxygen molecules to bond with positively charged free radicals, creating pure stable oxygen. The hydrogen is also free to boost the immune system, increase the cellular membrane health of organs and more. All of his creates healthy cells, which in turn interact in a healthy way with each other and serve the greater whole that we call the body.

Sarasota continues to be a nucleus for new discoveries and technology, attracting to its calm waters people with new ideas, like Wilde, who will be sharing her story at Vibrance! Natural Living Festival.

Video by Stephen McFadden, videographer and artistic creator.


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