Melissa and Brian Precourt and their daughter Gwendolyn, 5, get ready to sample a Blue Rooster pulled pork slider.
Marilyn Billib and Bonny DiFiore support the center at the tasting event.
Lisa Ridings and Vertigo encourage community members to take a tour of the facilities.
Lisa Ridings entertains the crowd with soulful jams.
Hector Zayas with his daughter Tiffani Geaves and Gladys Zayas come out to support the center and sample some great food.
Child Protection Center administrative assistant Glenda Guthrie greets community members at the donation table.
Café Americano served finger sandwiches and pinwheel tuna rolls.
Bob and Bernice Jones come to support the organization.
Michelina Nyland and Danette George
Nancy Dorrill with her 14 – month old Elijah and husband Bradley
Prevention Educator at Child Protection Center Nelda Litwiller volunteers to serve sushi to community members.
Sharon Johnson and Joe Shafer of CNL Bank show their support.
Suzie Mayhew of Libby’s Café serves mini red lentil quinoa cakes with a Fuji apple drizzle.
Taylor Hughes and Laura Bennawy
Vicki Swenson and Dennis Collins