Good news from a great man

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  • | 4:55 p.m. October 27, 2013
  • Arts + Entertainment
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Dean Burnside, owner of Good News Pest Solutions (formerly Macy’s Pest Control), embodies the name of his company. He looked at life from the clear vantage points of solutions and possibilities and decided to allow his company to reflect the attitude behind what it does for the community.

Pests might seem to be only a nuisance or threat, but Dean recognizes they are part of the natural environment, so healthy boundaries, without undue toxicity, are his primary concerns. It was an inspiration to be with him and hear how his faith aligns with his company policy. Burnside walks the walk.

It's not just a matter of heart, either. Burnside has spent years learning how to create a business that is caring for the environment;  he's a spokesman for the latest in green pest solutions all over the country. As I sat with him, it was very clear he could have spent days teaching me all he presently knew about his area of specialty. And, he explains it in a way that is easy to understand and apply.

Burnside truly is a bearer of good news. He will be with us at Vibrance! Natural Living Festival Saturday, Nov. 9 to share more about his passion.


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