FSU/Asolo Conservatory forms advice-giving rap group

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  • | 11:46 a.m. September 4, 2013
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The class of 2015 at FSU/Asolo Conservatory has some advice for the incoming first-years: 'Don't bang your classmates!'

Traditionally at the conservatory for acting, current students welcome the incoming class with advice emails. Brian Owen and Paul Herbig explain that this piece of advice kept showing up in every email.

'What is this debauched hive of scum and villainy, where every student sleeps with other students,' Brian Owen explains the freaked-out nature he and his wife had going into their first year at the conservatory.

'It turns out the cases of that happening are few and far between, but those cases do cause problems within a class,' Paul Herbig says.

They turned this over-drilled piece of common-sense knowledge into a hilarious satire in a YouTube video song, 'D.B.Y.C.M' and had each one of their classmates participate. They say it wasn't based on any specific incident, but plays more on the amusement they had at seemingly every incoming student's expectation of the 'sexual cesspool.'

They call their group 'Yo Asolo Raps.' Brian Owen came up with the hook, 'Don't bang your classmates, even though they're first rate and their bodies look great'¦' Paul Herbig wrote the music, and together over 'late nights filled with coffee and high-fives' they wrote the lyrics. They posted it to Reddit (a website for all things news-and-pop-culture worthy, and a few incoming first-years as well as alumni stumbled across it. 'I wish I heeded this advice five years ago,' one alumni said.

Director of the FSU/Asolo Conservatory of the program wrote the students an email upon seeing the video, 'Perhaps I made a mistake leaving you and your classmates to your own devices for the first two weeks of school!'

This isn't their first time the avid hip-hop fans have collaborated '” Heiberg and Owen wrote one commemorating their first Christmas in Florida and another for a term-paper on Titus Andronicus. They're planning a full-flegded music video to be shot on Lido Key, another related to the student's voice-work and another about Halloween.

'We just really wanted to have fun working with our whole class,' they say. And they proved it was a success.


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