Aaniya and Akhlesh Mittal wait for the Easter Bunny.
Emma Simonville and Khloe Beasley take a break for the action.
Evelynn Mahoney, 10, creates her own Easter Bunny.
Keagan and Kallen Terry divvy up their candy.
After finding multiple Easter eggs, Trevor Kovatch gave most of his candy to his younger sister.
Jaelyn Dismuke, 3, searches for Easter eggs.
Kinsley Cameron darts toward thousands of Easter eggs.
Isabela Bennett gets ready to fill her basket with candy.
Gabbie Hotaling, 5, swings while she waits for the festivities to begin.
Three-year-old twins Kaya and Kenley Webb sport matching outfits.
Addison and Berkeley Brown wait for the Easter egg hunt to start, with Panya Sethi.
Jane Coay and Addison Graber make new friends.
Quinn and Kylie Caffrey can’t wait to go find Easter eggs.
Five-year-old twins Aidan and Adelle Reed sit with the East Bunny.
Two-year-old Cason Dooley spends time with a friend.
Joseph Schneider dressed up for the occasion.
Dakota Holler swings her hips as fast as she can.