Kiddie Academy owner Marina Wolf-Schmidt and Academy Director Tina Pouso enjoy breakfast.
Orange juice, bacon and eggs, and other breakfast items fill the event.
Lynne Bermel-Scripter compliments Jeremy Su'a on his presentation.
Judy Athari and Cindy Moore have girl time.
Stacy Morgan takes mental notes.
Bonnie Hassler and Darla Phagan enjoy socializing after the presentation.
Wells Fargo representatives Ryan Harris and Frank Cummings get their fill of bacon and eggs.
Guest speaker Justin Su'a's message intrigues Michelle Scala.
Kathleen Burrell, Michael Talerico and Dominic DiMaio enjoy the morning's optimistic message.
Jeremy Keller focuses on the presentation.
Justin Su'a shares stories of optimism.
Craig and Laurie Eschelman enjoy family time.