Black Tie & Tales

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  • | 4:00 a.m. April 30, 2014
Carlos at his debut afternoon. Photo by Heather Merriman.
Carlos at his debut afternoon. Photo by Heather Merriman.
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+ Among Children First’s enchanted forest …

The whole evening April 26 at Children First’s Fairytale Ball was spectacular. The theme was seen all over the transformed Michael’s On East ballroom — from the lighted vines hanging from the ceiling, the story book pages gracing the walls and the costumes and fairy tale fashions. Wayne Rollins not only donned a big bad wolf tail, but also fabulous patent leather spiked Christian Louboutins, Dr. Heidi Anderson showed off a “Wicked” handbag, Chris Voelker was kissing frogs that evening — husband Kirk had his face painted as the token addition to fairy tales and Jenn Stutler stood out in a custom gown she purchased at 530 Burns Gallery’s “Where Art Meets Fashion” event featuring designer Marisu Miranda.

However, the award of best dressed goes to Renee Phinney, who looked stunning in her custom gown by Eric Cross. Phinney had the idea of wearing a storybook dress made from images from classic fairy tales — and the best to construct? Cross, who is known for his creative creations that have sashayed down the iConcept runway. He spent more than 15 hours constructing the dress, using bubble wrap, plastic sheeting and paper.

+ CVA board puts one over on the boss
Attendees at the always-sold-out April 22 Community Video Archives luncheon were treated to some charming insights beyond what was in the video biographies of this year’s inductees. Dan Kennedy: “Excellence in a school happens not in the front office, but in the classroom.” Alexandra Quarles: quoting Gary Lew, “This is your world. Shape it or someone else will.” Sam Shapiro: “I’m happy to be here; at my age, 95, I’m happy to be anywhere.” And Gerri Aaron: “Sarasota wouldn’t allow a critical cable TV antenna to be built in the city so my husband (Comcast founder Dan Aaron) bought a pig farm on Fruitville and Honore for $10,000, where it remains today.” The more things change …

Shapiro suggested in his comments that founder Annette Scherman should herself be nominated to the Video Hall of Fame and just a few minutes later, former CVA Board President Bob Johnson announced that is precisely what will happen next year. It took some doing; a board meeting that was minus one member. And he acknowledged, “She will come kicking and screaming.” Gotcha, Annette. Time to smile and gracefully accept so we can all applaud your induction in 2015.

To see more photos from the event, click here.

+ Tidbits
It’s a boy! … Heather Dunhill and Ted Meekma hosted a Champagne toast for their new puppy, Carlos. The “puppy shower” allowed friends to mingle while enjoying Champagne and food catered by Fête. Seen cooing over the new fur baby: Kyla Weiner, Kim Livengood, Amy Sussman, Crystal Lahners, Barbara Banks, Terry McKee and Shelley SarbeyHere comes the bride … Deb Knowles and Larry Kabinoff have been talking about the possibility of marriage for the larger part of their three years together. But she was in no hurry, and he didn’t push. The big breakthrough came a few weeks ago in as unromantic a place as you could imagine — their attorney’s office. Discussing a tax matter, the lawyer said, “This would be much simpler if you were married.” When it happened a second time, Larry hummed “Dum, dum, da  dum …” (the opening bars of the Wedding March from Lohengrin) resulting in the official engagement unofficially announced in Black Tie & Tales a few weeks ago … Meet my Mack … apparently, this column gave cupid a little nudge when we published that Mollie Nelson and Mack Harper had changed their respective Facebook statuses to “in a relationship.” They are now officially engaged, an announcement made by dear friend and long-time neighbor Bill Wise at a “Meet My Mack” dinner April 22, at Michael’s Wine Cellar. The table favors were little tins of M&M’s monogrammed “Mack and Mollie,” of course … West meets West to feed local kids … Olivia Boutique on St. Armands is hosting a dual trunk show 4 to 7 p.m. May 1 and 2. It will feature personal appearances and made-in-America merchandise from California apparel designer David Klein and Sarasota’s own fine jewelry designer Marion Strickland of MK Designs. A portion of proceeds will go to All Faiths Food Bank’s “Campaign Against Summer Hunger,” sponsored by the Gulf Coast Community Foundation to assure that the 21,000 kids who rely on school meals don’t go hungry when school is out … Oops! Correcting an error in last week’s column: Paul and Doris Wolfe Galileo to go … Dr. Fritz Faulhaber and his wife, Ping, hosted a reception April 21 to announce the Faulhaber Foundation’s plans for a Suncoast Science Center. They treated the assembly of about 100 elected officials, educators and potential supporters to the kind of “hands on” learning experience the center will provide by way of a demonstration of how four balls of dramatically different weight hit the floor simultaneously when dropped. And they sent guests home with a set of the balls to play with. The center needs all kind of help:  donations, volunteers and advisors. To learn more, visit


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