Warren and Jean Lexton with Catherine and Arthur Armitage
Ann Smith, Cliff Parker and Pat Ihlenburg
Herb Jones with Jan and Commodore Lee Peakes
Bob Hopkins, Dorothy Cole, Joan Hopkins, Nancy Carlton and Bill Banberg
Rene and Mayson Brooks with Margaret Ferguson
Edward Hamilton, Sylvia Barber and Roberta Hamilton
Tom and Katie Cornell with Ray and Michelle Hauser
Dave Poelke, Rita August, Wendy Poelke and Tom Pinzino
Co-Social Chair Karen Gallagher with Bill and Annette Lloyd
Judy and Duane Harms
Margaret Ferguson, Dodie and Al Dell’Aglio and Janet Allgair
Marty Cooper, Kim Dobson, Uschi Cooper and Gary Dobson
John August with Medora and Buck Fry
Marjorie and Dick Singer with Rebecca and David Taylor
Jan and Commodore Lee Peakes