Malcolm Ainscough, Ellen Berman and Brian Lipton
Chuck Alders and Julie Planck
Dee Ardito, Karen Winston and Mary Beth Leonard
Dee Ardito, Karen Winston and Bert Minot
Kathy Campagnone, Sue Pate and Linda Gifford
Style show models Heather Clark and Margie Lee
Designing Women Boutique’s annual gala and style show was themed ‘Serengeti Nights’ Saturday, Dec. 7, at Michael’s On East.
Sharon Black Floyd and Bill Harrison
Dale and Anna Foster, Kathleen O’Hara, Nelson Wagner, Emily Walsh and Ray Robinson
Fern, Mackenzie and David Grace
Ricardo Graziano and Sara Sardelli
Larry Haspel, Stan Rutstein and Jay Brady
Dolly Jacobs and Pedro Reis
Ryan and Beth Jacobson
Uta Christ-Janer and Jennifer Gemmeke
Maria Lanzillotti and Debra Clark-Maradiaga
Melissa and Dr. Brad Lerner
Traci Lundin and Tammie Sandoval
Aynne Manning, Butch Amerson, Suzanne Lipscomb and Christian Kinne
Carlo Marchetti and Pat Riley
Virginia Montgomery, Hillary Steele, Debbie Hamilton, Beth Self, Lisa Driscoll and Joleen Roskamp
Gene Noble and Pat Talbott
Tommy Pate, Dan Gifford and Dennis Campagnone
Ashley Pawelczyn applies tribal inspired makeup to model Niki Baldun
Jonathan Prato and Kellye Christensen with Geoff and Poppy Spencer
Jonathan Prato and Kelly Chrsitensen
Julie Planck and Chuck Albers with Cheryl and Alasdair MacLauchlan
Co-Chairs Mary Ann Robinson and Ida Zito
Susan Roosa, Aynne Manning and Bev Crawford
Diane Roskamp and Wanda Libby
Chris and John Sancin with Barbara Glanz
Annika Sandstrom, Diane Roskamp and Wanda Libby
Renee Shead and Bob West
Mary Ann Smith, Susan Brennan and Diane Huntley
Geoff and Poppy Spencer
Tyler and Elizabeth Stephens
Lois Stulberg, Mary Anne Servian and Sally Yanowitz
Jean Weidner Goldstein and Lauren Walsh
Jerry and Judy Whiles
Mary Lou and Ed Winnick
Margaret Wise and Marcia Jean Taub