Chris Norton and Jordan Hoopingarner enjoy a night out with friends.
Lauren Blenker, Michelle Mohr Hange, Doug McDuffie and Amy Phillips enjoy time with friends.
Stacey Darr and Ric Wetzel cozy up near the fire.
Jeff Diemer and Kristian Blessington enjoy the night.
Brandon Johnson and Nathan Rovnak chat with Lindsey Leach.
Dave Karshick and Allison Heitner, of the Manatee Chamber of Commerce, are all smiles.
Josh McCoy, Dr. Brad Masuga and his wife, Ashley, say "cheese" beside Michael Neal and Scott Leavitt.
Louise Newman, Tara Shuck and Amanda Durbin wait for their dinner to arrive.
Jason Wilkins and Peter Halpern make new contacts.
Natasha Zipay, Ken Burke and Natalie Rosenzweig share laughs during dinner.
Ben and Bobbi Jayne Vitale make new friends, such as Guillermina Vega.