Gavin, Cynthia, Kyla and Billy Swales enjoy time together.
Tina, Barbara and Jackie Collazo are eager to see Santa.
Nicky and Megan Bovaird hang out with Roxane Dube.
Mabel, Kenneth and Freddy Ordonez eat dinner before Kenneth performs on the drums.
Clockwise from front left are: Amelia, Madeline and Brian Cooper, Dinah and Tom Hoppe and Cindy Cooper.
Liana, Isabella, Manoela and Celso Vieira attend for the first time.
Event chairwoman Paula Carroll grabs a picture with her daughter and husband, Meredith and Irish.
Kimberly and Corey Griffin watch their daughter, Madeline, eat dessert.
Melodie Dube, Caroline Pope and Sheri Benson wait to see Santa.
Devan and Miranda Rojas share their wish lists with Santa.