Dr. Leonard Apfelbach and Dorothy Lawrence
Ron and Barbara Archbold
Irene Bagby with Charles and Charlotte Perret
Richard Baise, Irene Bagby and Judith Baise
Judith and Richard Baise
The Opera Gala: 2014: A Masked Ball was Saturday, Feb. 1, at Hyatt-Regency, Sarasota.
B. Aline Blanchard and Arthur Siciliano
Bud Borax and Elissa Soyka
Chairwoman Carol Brualdi with her husband Les
Les Brualdi with Annette and Bill Lloyd
Chairwoman Carol Brualdi
Margaret Word Burnside and Fay Lazaris
The table centerpieces at The Opera Gala 2014: A Masked Ball
David Chaifetz and Dr. Jack Wright
Susan Dabney, Susan Clarke and Lynette Mancuso
Page Dettman, Scott Anderson and Teri Hansen
Frank and Carol Drake with Virginia and John Peacock
Dr. Cary and Heather Dunn
Nora Everlove, Paul Nucci, Betty and Bud Shapiro and Richard Russell
Hank and Suzanne Foster, Deanna and Michael Creature and Faith and John Quinn
Melissa and Richard Furman
Michael and Sonia Gibson, Carol Webster, Bridgett Spiess and Jeff Webster
Sonia and Michael Gibson
Michael Gibson, Carol Webster, Elise Hanley, Bridgett Spiess and Sonia Gibson
Margy Gordon, Yani Gordon and Jerry Gordon
Nancy Hewett, Ed Williams, Katherine Woodward and Gary Frings
Janet Huelster and Edie Chaifetz
Janet Huelster with Sumner and Irene Bagby
Henry and Janet Jacobs
Michelle Jaros and Dan Robinson
Roxie and Mike Jerde with George Pappas
George and Amy Kane
Rick Kerby, Jennifer Chapman, Dottie Butler, Micahel Ringlever and Jonathan Coleman
Ashley Kozel and Valerie Leatherwood
Fay Lazaris and Greg Steube
Harry Leopold, Valerie Leatherwood, Susan Dabney and Lynette Mancuso
Erik and Sandra Lindqvist with Beathe and Jerry Elden
Cheryl MacLauchlan and Wendy Feinstein
Alasdair and Cheryl MacLauchlan with Richard and Gloria Reber
Lydia McKenzie, Jeanne Auten, Dr. Sam Fichera and Joey Frye
Jacqueline and David Morton
Ferruh Muktar and Susan Robinson with Elizabeth and Louis Wery
Ferruh Muktar and Susan Robinson
Fred Murrell and Audrey Scherer with Rebecca and Bill Tompkins
Amanda Pileggi and Jennifer Rust
The Opera Gala 2014: A Masked Ball
Harold Ronson and Molly Schechter
Steve and Lori Rosenfeld
Richard and Cynthia Russell with Audrey Scherer and Fred Murrell
Tim Schalch and Tamara Nazworth with Melissa and Terrance Burzynski
Elissa Soyka, Bud Borax and Edie Chaifetz
George and Rochelle Stassa
Jen and Greg Steube
Joanna Glass-Stover and Roger Stover
Bill and Rebecca Tompkins with Isabelle Wright
Kathleen and Jeff Troiano
Isabelle Wright with Joe and Nora Stephan
Mary Zabin at The Opera Gala 2014: A Masked Ball