David Turnbull runs with the caber.
Eileen Carrigan from the City of Sarasota Pipe Band with Bob Davidson, of Braden River Pipers
Wolfy Stadler slays the dragon with his bow and arrow.
Stephen Stadler helps son, Wolfy, shoot a bow and arrow.
Hammer throwing is a traditional Scottish athletic event.
Connor Robertson prepares to throw his hammer.
Nancy Love and Bert Mitchell judge the short bread.
Scottish country dancers Ann and Call Lloyd.
Judith Kelly with her border collies, Gylen and Tucker.
Mark Howe turns the first caber of the day.
Kaitlyn Deinlein tries her her hand at a miniature sheaf toss.
Robert Crozier and Linda Biancotti
Carleton Cook wears spaats while wife, Anyah, wears kilt hose and flashes.
The festival saw kilts of all sizes.
Jessica McQuage buys silver jewelry from Sara Wilson.