Vickie Brill and Mark Caragiulo with Nikki and Paul Caragiulo
Vickie Brill, Allison Olinger, Bridget and Christian Ziegler and Jay Riggs
Barbara and Donald Cogswell with Mary Acosta
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and John Harrison Jr.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
Larry Eger and Isaac Eger
Martina Griffin, Bob Pretschner, Ricki Lindsay, Lon Deckard and Leslee Deckard, Mike and Mary Quillen and Robert Lindsay
Melissa Howard and Mary Gratehouse
Kevin Huggins and Stephanie Danielson
Jason Hughes with Lindsey and Justin Leins
Kathy Palma and Yvonne Buchanan
Jay Riggs and Judy Riggs
Carol Sawyer, John Harrison Jr. and Cynthia Crowe
Joseph and Memory Semprevivo with their children Giovanni, Joseph and Palma Semprevivo
Kirk and Chris Voelker
Dr. Peter Wish and Allison Olinger
Bob and Tracy Wyatt