10 songs to beat the cold

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  • | 5:38 p.m. January 7, 2014
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Sarasota "winters" as a transplant resident are an entertaining thing. As soon as the temperature drops below the average age of its residents, people lose their minds. Out come the parkas, boots and scarves — the whole shebang. It's a regular freeze frenzy. As a St. Louis native, I obviously have too much pride to  participate in said shenanigans. Even if I do feel cold (please don't tell my friends in the Midwest), I continue to dress in a one-season-fits-all manner. Because, you know, sleeves and weather-appropriate outfits are for wimps.


But, with temperatures dipping near 30°, I suppose the chattering teeth and shivers aren't completely unjustified, even if people in Chicago are currently scalding their flesh in an attempt to watch boiling water freeze, mid-air. That being said, here's a list of 10 songs to help remind you that we'll be back to a blustery 75° in a week or so.

  1. Goldfinger: "Superman" — This song screams "Summer," and depending on your age, it might also scream "Playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater every day for the entire summer." So, that's a bonus.
  2. FIDLAR: "Gimme Something" — Stoner surf-skate punks, FIDLAR, have a knack for capturing that carefree, albeit drug-and-alcohol-fueled, midsummer vibe, and this song will make you wish you were currently sprawled horizontally on Siesta with a beer.
  3. The Beach Boys: "Wouldn't it Be Nice?" — It's never really summer without the Beach Boys, and this track speaks for itself.
  4. Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers: "Roadrunner" — Let '70s garage-rocker, Jonathan Richman, whisk you away on an aimless road trip with this upbeat, ambling track. How can you deny that keyboard solo? (Hint: You can't)
  5. Weezer: "Island in the Sun" — If you claim you don't sing "Hip, hip," to yourself when the vocals kick in on this 2001 single from the always-cheery Weezer, you're lying. And if you actually don't do it, maybe you don't deserve to be warm.
  6. Len: "Steal My Sunshine" — To call this a guilty pleasure would be misleading, as I feel no guilt whatsoever for loving this song. Deal with it.
  7. Step Rockets: "Kisser" — Twin City indie rockers, Step Rocket, might not be an obvious choice for this playlist, but this infectious track has sunshine written all over it.
  8. LFO: "Summer Girls" — I think it's fly when this track drops back in my life for the summer. Or permanently. Just saying.
  9. Generationals: "Put a Light On" — This entire playlist could easily be replaced with Generationals' 2012 album, "Heza," but we'll keep it to just this one track.
  10. Vance Joy: "Riptide" — Vance Joy secured its spot on this list with the first strum of the ukulele. Come to think of it, I'm not sure ukuleles are even legally allowed to be played when it's cold ...


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