Andrew Glover conducts the Sarasota Circus Concert Band.
Cathy Sutton with Gary and Sharon Park
Ray and Shirley Taillon
Lisa Rosaire donned her circus hat for the occasion.
Cyrus Nock with Noemi and Elan Espana
Ring of Fame Members Klarinka and Klara Bertini with Patricia Lempeotis and Lelia Taylor
Bello Nock, Kenneth Feld and Eugene Nock
Nik Wallenda and David Brenner
Each new inductee gets a custom wagon wheel plaque in St. Armands.
Jenny Wallenda was met with cheers when she spoke of Sarasota’s rich circus history.
Pinito del Oro’s nephew accepted the award on her behalf.
Inductee Ian Garden Sr. receives his Ring of Fame medal from Chuck Sidlow.
Barry Lubin got the crowd laughing as he spoke on behalf of Paul Binder’s sponsors.
Paul Binder thanks his family and close friends for their support.
The Theron Family after they were inducted into the Circus Ring of Fame.
New Circus Ring of fame members Paul Binder and Ian Garden Sr. with Charles Schlarbaum and Ron Morris