Kendall Peacock’s favorite pastry she made was butterscotch fudge
After a week learning to make pastries, the campers prepare a meal for their parents and take home a certificate of their achievement
Josh Cohen has fun wrapping up trays of cut fruit
Ezra Piare prepares bread baskets
Back row: Jay Piare, Kendall Peacock, Amber Johnson, Ezra Piare, Chef Ray Lajoie, Samantha Schanely, Megan Quinn and Annie Sutherland. Front row: Emily Porter, ,Elvin Dekok, Lucas Nahon, Josh Cohen, Sara McCurry and Hannah McCurry
Kendall Peacock pours glasses of water for the parents
Kendall Peacock places name cards for each of the desserts the campers made
Hannah McCurry made a peanut butter pie. It was the first time she ever made a pie.
Chef Ray Lajoie shows Jay Piare (left) and Elvin Dekok (right) how to best cut and serve a pie.
Sara McCurry presents the butterscotch fudge
Sara McCurry plates butter for the parent’s tables
Samantha Schanely prepares bread baskets
Annie Sutherland prepares bread baskets