Teach Me Equals premieres 'Dictionary of Imaginary Places'

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  • | 4:07 p.m. July 29, 2014
  • Arts + Culture
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Sarasota-based duo and tour hounds, Teach Me Equals, recently premiered the first single off its forthcoming debut LP, "Knives in the Hope Chest." The single, titled "Dictionary of Imaginary Places," provides a glimpse into the sound that will encompass the new Kickstarter-funded album, due for release Sept. 16.

A delicate blend of haunting cello, psych-surf lead guitar and reverb-soaked vocals, the track is unmistakably Teach Me Equals, but with a fresh tinge of sophisticated atmosphere reminiscent of some better-known tracks by The Kills.

Take a first listen to the song below, which premiered via Culture Collide:

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