Officers are: Josie Melcher, Sarita Chaubal, Teresa Haddock, Maria Cora Gaffar (president), Teresa Phillips, Cora Sanders (vice president), Sandy Wick and Mercedes Rivera.
Treasurer Sandy Wick and secretary Mercedes Rivera register guests.
John and Teresa Phillips
Braden Woods residents Blane Turpin and his wife, Dot, represented the benefiting charity, The Food Bank of Manatee.
Ruben Arias, 90, attends with his daughter, Beverly Arias.
Caring and Ramon Santos attend with their daughter, Cori Hvideberg, center.
Kailash and Dr. Mona Jain
on Sinclair, Yolanda Dwyer and Cecilia Padilla
Rick and Sally Piccolo with Briana and Werner Knoop
Kathy Samarasinghe with friend Bandula Wickram, and her husband, Sam Samarasinghe, and Sandy Wick
Tim Johnson with Else Friborg
Sam and Linda Evans