Adam Angstadt, Rachel Blake and Jordan Hoopingarner
MIranda Spinner, Ryan McIntyre and Gabrielle Vest
Amanda Picken, Matt Pertosoff and Amanda Smith
Elaina Margenthaler and Amy Thompson
Emily Howe, Kelly Bechtol and Kristen Harper
Erica and Tony Parrish, Hampus Hedlund and Heather Young
Gary Raska, Priscilla Sosa and kevin Bojewski
Heather Andrews, Jessica Ackles and Shea Yates
Jeremy DeMers, Jeanine Foley, Nick Plumley and Janyel Smith
Stephen Supe, Lauren Uzelatz and Debe Uzelatz
Tiffany Briggs, Janice Tucker and Marissa Rossnagle
Young professionals from Sarasota and Manatee counties met for a joint after hours Thursday, March 6, at Polo Grill.