"The Canoe" by Jorge Blanco
Susan McLeod and Lisa Rubenstein
Kim Anderson, her babies Oona and Oscar Lofgren and Allyn Gallup in front of Anderson's "Fountain"
Jean Blackburn between her work "Sweetwater Two" and "Sweetwater One"
Jorge Blanco and his piece "Metamelon"
Artists featured in the exhibit: Aaron Board and Rob Tarbell
Pam Chew, Trulee Jameson and John Pirman in front of Hugh Davies work
Allyn Gallup addresses the crowd
Jill Hoffman-Kowal in front of her husband Dennis Kowal's "Menorah"
Jamie Jameson and Peter Paul
Artist Dennis Kowal and Allyn Gallup in front of Kowal's "Homage"
Andrew Kuziak with his piece "Golfer"
Dick and Grace Munchel with Janice and Eddie Michaels
George and Sarah Pappas with George Pappas' "Casino"
Bob Phelps, Sandy Phelps, Sally Phelps and Bill Phelps
Vicky Randall with her piece "Clockwork for Brancus"
Jorge Rivas, Olga Oliver, Meredes Sola, Asun Nunec and Maria Hernandez-Ron
Beverly Tobocman and Jay Richman
George Williams and artist Gale Fulton Ross