Chris Nevins chases after the ball during the polo match.
Michelle Lineberger, Jamison Patrick and Cartier Patrick, 6 months.
The Meininghaus family — Alexis, Aaron and Ashleigh, 5.
Creig and Annette McColl spend time together in the shade.
Morghan Beachy and Elijah Swabb get excited about the match.
Wilson Shaw, 5, spends time with his cousin, Allie Wood, and his brother, Fallon Shaw, 4.
Sisters Christa and Kelly Hall enjoy the sunshine.
Adrian Fordham, Brittany Byrd, and Kate and Shea Tully watch the polo match from the sidelines.
Edit Szegedi enjoys tailgating in the shade.
Chad Ciaravella, Lori Hagey and David Sams spend time with friends.