Bryan Kramer and David Leitsch
Caylyn Smith and Stephen Wells
Chelsea O'Neill and Paul Daniel
Chris and Allison
Jeff Young and Jamie Miller
Julia and Brad Dees
Julio Madrid and Ciara Finucane
Justin Knepp, Sarah Stafford, Colter Chapman and Brittany Ramey
Katie Schneeberger, Monika Faber, Sherman Beiler, Michelle Matuszak and Courtney Jones
Lynne Armitage and Kerry Conboy
Madora Mak, Lenny Brinetti and Elizabeth Harrison
Mark Kelleher and Kim Agosta
Mark Miller and KIm Alexander
Rita Clarke, Tressia Murphy, Katherine Ziemba, Monica Eisemann and Ryan Michael
Sarah Flynn and Ashley Benda
Partygoers gathered Saturday, March 8, for the seventh annual Chillounge Night at the new Westfield Southgate Mall location. The night featured drinks, dancing, music, fashion shows, fireworks and more.