Surviving a weekday St. Paddy's, as told by 'Leprechaun' .gifs

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  • | 4:15 p.m. March 14, 2014
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So, one of the best party days of the year happens to fall on a week day this year. I think we can all agree that this is a tragedy, and we won't stand for it.

In keeping with its authenticity, The Shamrock Pub will host its annual St. Patrick's Day block party on the actual holiday, which is great for the sake of it being an official holiday party, but for a lot of us, there's also that whole ... job thing. Now this is a dilemma, sure, but don't panic — it's nothing we can't figure out.

I tend to base the majority of my life decisions on terrible '90s horror movies, so I don't see why this scenario should be any different.

Here's our guide to surviving a weekday St. Patrick's Day celebration, as advised by the leprechaun from the movie series of the same name, in all his .gif glory.

Not only is the series some of Warwick Davis' finest onscreen work, I think he's legally the sanctioned authority on all things St. Patrick's Day.

  • Designate a driver or arrange a ride: Yeah, I know. I sound like your mother. But seriously, whether you're marathon partying or showing up after work, the best way to enjoy this holiday is to eliminate the issue of driving altogether. Call a cab; designate a driver; do whatever you need to do to safely enjoy the day. Now that that's out of the way ...




  • Call off work: Unless you've got the party stamina of a freshman frat pledge, you're probably going to need some time to recoup. It's up to you if you want to take off the actual holiday to enjoy the full experience or the following day to nurse your wounds. Just make sure you have a convincing story when you call. Oh, and uh, any employers reading this, please keep in mind that this advice reflects only the opinions of the Leprechaun movie series.
  • Don't fall victim to green-beer goggles: An entire day of drinking green beer can do wonders for your standards. Mostly by lowering or eliminating them. Keep your wits about you, lads and lasses.
  • Make yourself scarce: If you're one of the unlucky souls who can't take off work (join the club), be prepared to play it cool in the office on Tuesday. Just try to stay out of sight and out of mind. 5 o'clock will roll around before you know it.
  • Be patient: Just because it's a Monday, doesn't mean the party's going to be any less crazy. People love an excuse to party, so expect to wait in a few lines. Post up at the bar, put out the vibes and have your drink order ready. Good luck and Godspeed, St. Paddy's partiers.



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