This dachshund puppy is one of several put up for adoption after being rescued from Napier’s Log Cabin Horse and Animal Sanctuary.
olunteer Cheryl Rice holds Drake, who was available for adoption at the event.
Chuck and Belle Nathan live in Lakewood Ranch.
Clockwise from front, left: Robin Agnosti, Jodi Carroll, Gisele Sweeney and Tamara Carey
Barbara Sands brings her 4-year-old dog, Griffin.
Michael Rada and Robert Seth-Wood spend the afternoon with friends.
Leslie Medenwald, Frank Lee, Patti Kelly and Laura Corella find a shady spot under an umbrella.
Aydin, Melissa, Alara and Murad Ureksoy spend time together.
Karen Miller with Sarasota residents Kathie and Mike Roberts.
Helen and Dr. Frank Price live in Venice.
Rod Jacobson holds Nathan.
Sponsor Amanda Reil, of Metro Pet Salon, with Honor board member Cindy Watson
Linda and Richard Bradway hold their rescued schnauzer, Baby.
Laura Andrews pets her dog, Kirby.
Marsha and Philippe Tenret
The team of Clydesdales pull event-goers at halftime.