Hugh Bettendorf and Allison Archbold
Tom Buchter with keynote speaker Meg Lowman
Grace Carlson and Charlie Stryker
Margie and Kelvin Cooper
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens held its 3rd annual Chairman’s Circle Dinner Tuesday, May 6, at Michael’s Wine Cellar.
David Denton, Dan Denton, Ilene Denton and Margarete van Antwerpen
Kathy and Jim Dewey
Betsy Elder and Betty Stewart
Betsy and Doug Elder
Karen Flynn and Joni Steinberg
Tom and Celina Forrester
Teri Hansen and Steve Wilberding
Jim Helmich and Gloria Moss
Cathy Layton, keynote speaker Meg Lowman and Dr. Laurey Stryker
Carol Miller and Virginia Miller
Lowe Morrison and Beca Lerant
Lynn and Chris Romine
Pete Russell and Cathy Layton
Wayne and Debbie Seitl
Dr. Laurey Stryker and Ann Logan
Dr. Antonio Toscano de Brito, Tom Buchter and Mike McLaughlin
Tom and Gwen Watson
Art Wood, Dee Stottlemyer and Lowe Morrison