Letters to the Editor

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  • | 4:00 a.m. May 14, 2014
  • East County
  • Opinion
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+ Tara Bridge would improve emergency response times
Dear Editor,

I read the letter (published May 1) where the writer was responding to a letter (published April 3) about whether or not to have a bridge over the Braden River connecting Tara Boulevard with Honore Ave. The one in favor of the bridge cites a “waste of fuel and time” to go north to access I-75 when she actually wants to go south. The writer opposed cites the “influx of traffic, needing a stoplight to get in and out of your community” and so on.  

What neither writer realizes is that the fire station and 911 response is just on the other side of the river from Tara Preserve and River Place.  With a bridge, rescue could be there in one to two minutes. Currently, the 911 response is from the Fire Station at Route 70 and Lakewood Ranch Boulevard, which is at least 12 to 15 minutes away.  If your husband has a heart attack or your child stops breathing, where do you want 911 rescue to come from?  I bet you would say, “just over the Tara Bridge!”

Jill Simons
River Place



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