Sophie Kulatilaka-Rivers accompanies her mother, Ishani, on Election Day.
Signs outside Woodland The Community Church encourage people to vote.
Former Superintendent Tim McGonegal and School Board Chairwoman Julie Aranibar share laughs.
Neal Schroeder says "Vote yes on Amendment 2."
Jessica Maule makes time before work to vote.
Lakewood Ranch Republicans Dave Cohen, Sherry and Ron Ogrodnik and Sarah Cohen show their support.
Dave Saunders votes an hour after the polls opened at Town Hall.
Linda and Dave Flannigan choose their favorite politicians.
Pete Hart takes time to vote.
Election Day volunteer Marty Kristo reminds voters to have photo identification ready.
Shelley Lafoe stops to vote before work.
Febelain and Dennis Imperio voted today.
Kathy Klingelberger voted for her favorite candidates alongside Lynne Byrd.
Maggie White shows support for Amendment 1.
Campaign signs for candidates and amendments alike are posted outside polling stations, including Woodland The Community Church.