Hot Flash: A noteworthy campaign

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  • | 5:00 a.m. November 5, 2014
Eileen Wallace
Eileen Wallace
  • Arts + Culture
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Write-On Sarasota, a local stationery boutique, is celebrating 15 years in business this December. To celebrate the milestone, owner Eileen Wallace is launching the Grateful Campaign.

“During the recession, 51% of the stationery business in the United States went out of business,” says Wallace, “I will be in business 15 years — why am I still here? My customers. And they need a thank you.”

Dedicating the entire month of November to the Grateful Campaign, each week will have a purpose and theme, revolving around the importance of stationery, and being thankful for those people in our lives.

“There is nothing like getting a note or a card in the mail,” says Wallace.

Write-On Sarasota, 1423 First St., 953-2800

Week 1 (Nov. 3) — Drop off any thank you card to the store and Wallace will stamp it and mail it anywhere in the United States — “Those notes you’ve been meaning to write but you haven’t, write them.”

Week 2 (Nov. 10) – The store will offer special pricing on stationery items in the store

Week 3 (Nov. 17) – A competition for the best notes moms and grandmas have been given from their children and grandchildren, featuring categories such as most hilarious, sweetest and anything in between. Vendors are doing giveaways for the best notes entered.

Week 4 (Nov. 24) – In the Thanksgiving spirit of being thankful and grateful, this is the week to take the challenge of writing and sending a note if you haven’t already.

A note on notes ...

“Always date it, people save things,” says Wallace. Date the card in the upper right corner or the old-fashioned way is the bottom left, either is acceptable.

When addressing an envelope or a note, the husband’s first and last name should never be separated, for example, the envelope would read “Mr. and Mrs. David Beckham” and the note would begin “Victoria and David.”

“No matter what the rules are, it should be meaningful and from the heart,” says Wallace.


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