Renee Balogh, Diane Gans and Elle Cook
Thomas Biddinger, Sarah Wertheimer, Adam Negroski and Jake DeLoach
Rebecca Blitz, Tina Biter, Molly Biter and Mary Ellen Mancini
Diana and Matt Buchanan
Sandy and Vern Buchanan
Melissa Caneira, Mike Gough and Amanda Pileggi
Jim Capezola and James Amato with Mike Scialdone and Terry McKee
Roger Capote and Margie Cooper
Guests were given champagne as they arrived at Key to the Cure.
Tamara Chapman and Kristy Cail
Natalie Davis and Suzy Bracken with Alene and James Fowler
Linda and Dr. Thomas Doan
Marcia Dolan, Linda Gifford, Marge Teel and Valerie Pober
Courtney Edbrooke, Eduardo Anaya and Amanda Vincent
Beathe Elden, Barbara Banks and Lee Barsky
Linda Ghodalness, Pam Sullivan and Kristi Cuza
Linda Gifford and Marcia Doan
A glitter tattoo station was set up in the beauty department of Saks Fifth Avenue for guests to get themed breast cancer awareness tattoos at the event.
Volunteers help guests sign in at Key to the Cure.
Erin Guzzo, Michele Strauss and Marcia Sutter
Erin Hart and Montana Taplinger
Laura Jessen and Victoria Snyder
Susan and Katie Jones
Jami Kellogg and Janet Walter
Terri and Michael Klauber
Crystal Lahners and Allison Scanlan
Harry Leopold, Valerie Leatherwood and Dennis Stover
Susan Macrae, Allison Scibelli, Sarah Macrae, Reva Holcom and LeeAnne Swor
Phil Mancini and Sally Schule
Peter Mann, Wendy Resnick and David Rovine
Ashley Markley and Kelsey Alholm
Jackie Massey and Veronica Brady
Noel McDonnell and Deborah Blue
Co-Chairs Alex Miller, Aimee Cogan, Ariane Dart and Joel Ellzey
Co-Chairs Alex Miller, Aimee Cogan and Ariane Dart
Ali Miller, Sabrina Cullen and Wendy Merriman
Larry and Priscilla Mitchell
Amanda Morris and Jamie Becker
Jacqueline Morton and Eric Cross
Liz Murray, Samantha Beebe, Jessica Mlavsky and Lana King
Greg Courter and Barbie Nilsen
Rochelle Nigri and Phil King
Meredith O’Connell and Honorary Chairwoman Margaret Wise
Jessica Ortiz and Wendy Merriman
Rich Perone, Chris Voelker, Dr. Pamela Tenarts and Robyn Collins
Roger and Alisa Pettingell
Eric Piazza and Chris Jessen
Eric and Meredith Piazza with Chris Jessen
Alex Quarles and Honorary Chairwoman Margaret Wise
Tanya and Mark Ramos
Mindy Rollins, Lee Sax, Richard Lawrence and Wayne Rollins
Jennifer Rush, Amanda Pileggi, Erin Hart, Montana Taplinger, Sarah Murphy and Ashley Dooley
Shane and Brigid Saah
Michele Schlossberg and Lauren Pritchard
Sally Schule and Joel Ellzey
Allison Silver Schwartz and Nikki Taylor
Cheryl Sloan and Patrick Teague
Merrie Smith, Susan Jones, Sally Schule, Jennifer Compton and Stephanie Hannum
Olga Smith and Elita Kane
Chelsea Stickley gets a glitter tattoo at Key to the Cure.
Dennis Stover, Rochelle Nigri and Phil King
Guests were given swag bags as they left Key to the Cure.
Matt Thompson, Trevor Taylor, Merete Hermansen and Jane Thompson
Lucretia Tuffile, Joy Stevens and Carole Garczynski
Retta Wagner, Jamie Becker and Amanda Morris
Honorary Chairwoman Margaret Wise, Co-Chair Alex Miller, Sally Schule, Co-Chair Ariane Dart and Co-Chair Aimee Cogan
Cheryl Woodruff and Susan Negroski
Bridget Ziegler and Sydney Gruters