Mary Kenealy Barbetta and Joe Barbetta
Monica Barth and Andre Recanatesi
Bob and Barb Bilerg
Jessica and Tav Ortiz
Mimi Carlin, Babrie Nilsen, Melissa Howard and Maria Shelton
Darren and Dyana Cummings
Kim Domingo, Julia Decastro, Marci Walker, Angie Kaleskas and Leslie Swart
Charlotte Embody, Wendy Passman, Pat Peterfeso and Derek Embody
The Mall at University Town Center opened its doors to nearly 3500 guests Wednesday, Oct. 15, for the UTC Sneak Peek Charity Preview event.
Jamie Ford and Michelle DiLapi
Tonya Getzen, Regina Koda, Molly Jackson, Dominique Horton and David Jackson
Patti Glass, Susan Brennan and Bev Fisher
Nearly 3500 people toured and shopped The Mall at University Town Center the night before opening day during the UTC Sneak Peek Charity Preview.
Stephanie and Max Hannum
David Hassell and Cookie Boudreaux
Sharon and Bob Hillstrom with Sue and Rick Berkun
Daniel Houdus, Kyla Weiner and Judith Yaeger
John Jernigan and Tom Knight
Stan Krandall, Chris Newman, Susan Kay and Ron Myers
George and Kimberly Manooshian
Kathy, Kelly and Mike Martella
Lea, Denise and Nicole Mei
Eric and Ali Miller with Denise and John Saputo
Cedric Myles, Simone Smith, Claire Kutt, Kimberly Clemons, Nikki Stainer, Jen Hendrix and Samantha Ramirez
Lyudamil Petrov, Sehee Chung and Kelly Romanoff
Denise Saputo, Carol Pourbeau, John Saputo, Merryl Kover, Amy Tuten and Lynn Clement
Janet Stickel, Elaine Steinfurth and Janet Hough
Sharon Thomas, Roberta Taylor and Emily Thomas
Dr. Richard and Monica Van Buskirk
Dawn Wiley, Patti Eisemann, Rob Roy and Kay Mathers