RIAF REVIEW: Tangram Duet

"Tangram" runs through Oct. 18, at Historic Asolo Theater.
"Tangram" runs through Oct. 18, at Historic Asolo Theater.
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Tangram Duet
Tangram offered an unlikely mix of abstract patterns of movement and the earthy, sexy humor of the middle European circus with echoes of silent film comedy. The duet is comprised of a juggler (Stefan Sing) and a gymnast/ dancer (Cristiana Casadio). They appear on stage with a vast assortment of white balls and proceed to roll, juggle, stack, swipe and arrange these spheroids. Their dance becomes a metaphor for the permutations of a couple’s mercurial relationships. Now she’s hurt and he’s self-absorbed making a pyramid of balls; now he’s bouncing her up and down like a puppet; now they cling; now she slaps him.

This dance/circus hybrid is compelling, just in terms of the sheer skill level. The narrative arc takes it to another level, but it doesn’t always work. Once you tell a story, you have to do it well. The writer in me wanted more clarity. The aging athlete in me loved the show.

“Tangram” runs through Oct. 18, at Historic Asolo Theater, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, as part of the 2014 Ringling International Arts Festival. For more information, call 359-5700 or visit ringling.org.


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