George Conover leads guests in a game of craps.
Marylee Danahy gives a gift bag to Kate Langsen as she enters the event.
John Allen acts as James Bond.
Susan Ellis with Toni Ambrosio
Heather McDaniel with Linda Capierseho
Bett Walbrecht deals for a game of roulette.
Donna Cripe spends time with Char Young.
Wilma and Bruce Nourie dress the part.
Vin and Ellen Buccellato join Jim and Joe Bousquet.
Nancy Small, Nancy LoPiccolo and Bertha Izzo
Jim and Linda Crouse with Mary and Jerry Collins
Kim Kent attends with her husband, Ricardo Gonzalez.
Angie Komarow, Lucille Carbone and Francesca Leombruno
Liz Schreiber and Elaine Steinfurth sell raffle tickets and funny money.
Myra Buff attends as a guest of Cathy Rogers.
Mike and Martha Gaffney enjoy the evening together.
Renee Wilson checks out silent auction items.