Jeanne Auten and Stacy Ridehour
Sarasota Opera hosted its annual Curtain Raiser event Sunday, Oct. 26, at Michael’s Wine Cellar.
David Chaifetz, Bill Chapman, Steve Wilberding and Larry English
Edie Chaifetz with Larry and Carol English
Judith and Ben Elman
Joey Frye, Mary Mitchell and Richard Russell
Janet Huelster, Tina Kamberg and Elayne Kalberman
Rick Kerby, Marsha Johnson and Jonathan Coleman
Valerie Leatherwood, Rebecca Tompkins and Jenny Ferlicchi
Martin Martel, Bonny Heet and Richard Russell
Jacqueline and David Morton
Jane Newman, Cynthia Russell and Nancy Whitacre
Arthur Siciliano, Barbara Aline Blanchard-Siciliano and Maestro Victor DeRenzi
Elton and Gorde White with Nola and Joe Stephan