Christ Church names new pastor

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  • | 4:00 a.m. September 3, 2014
The Rev. Norman and Joan Pritchard. File photo
The Rev. Norman and Joan Pritchard. File photo
  • Longboat Key
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The Rev. Norman Pritchard will take to the pulpit of Christ Church of Longboat Key, Presbyterian Nov. 30, as the church’s new pastor.

The church has been without a permanent pastor since the end of last year, when the Rev. Bruce Porter retired. Porter served as the church’s pastor since 2006, one year after its founding. The Rev. Paul Eckel is currently serving as interim pastor.

Pritchard is currently pastor at Kirk in the Hills in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., but is familiar with the area because he owns a home in Naples.

“I think he’ll bring some excitement and enthusiasm to the congregation,” said Mike Chester, president of Christ Church’s board of directors.

Pritchard previously served as senior minister of the Scots Church, in Melbourne, Scotland, beginning in 1979. He preached before Queen Elizabeth II when she worshipped at Scots. He became pastor at Kirk in the Hills in 1996.

In Bloomfield Hills, he got used to his congregation shrinking during the winter months when snowbirds headed south. On Longboat Key, he knows he’ll experience the opposite phenomenon.

“I’m excited by the fact that it’s a fairly new congregation, but it draws members from all over the eastern half of the U.S.,” Pritchard said. “Each season, we have a congregation of snowbirds from all over to enrich and enliven the church.”

Although he won’t assume the role of pastor for nearly three months, Pritchard got an early introduction to his flock Aug. 15, when he attended a church social that featured Scottish décor in honor of his homeland.

The move will allow him to transition from a “hectic, full-time ministry” into a part-time role that’s a “little more gentle.”

“I think the Christ Church of Longboat Key has some wonderfully active leaders,” Pritchard said. “I think there will be plenty for me to do.”

The Rev. Norman Pritchard
Age: 68
Originally from: Glasgow, Scotland
Education: Doctor of ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Calif.
Family: Wife, Joan; two children; two grandchildren



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