Texting video goes viral

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  • | 4:00 a.m. September 10, 2014
  • East County
  • Neighbors
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+ Texting video goes viral
Seven million clicks.

For Salt & Light Productions, the number was unimaginable.

The organization released its “Don’t Text and Drive” video this summer, and within a month, other organizations across the United States and Canada shared it on their own web pages and social media platforms. One such organization, “The 99,” displayed the three-minute video on its Facebook page where it was viewed more than 7 million views in just a few weeks.

“We created the video because we felt it was a signification issue at this moment in time,” Salt & Light founder Stuart Roth says. “We always expected it to make an impact, but we were surprised at just how big an audience it has found in such a short period of time.”



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